
On YARA and Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizers (SNF):

Debunking Yara’s lies about their so-called “Regenerative Agriculture” – by ASEED (article)

Resources from the “Strategy Meeting on Agrochemicals and Fossil Fuels”:

Below you can find a resources pack that we got prior to our participation in the ‘Strategy Meeting on Agrochemicals and Fossil Fuels’ in Berlin in 19-21 April 2023 and we found very useful.


The Geopolitics of Nitrogen Fertilizer – by Dr. Gideon Tups (video)
EU agricultural policy related to agrochemicals – by Lena Luig (video)
Fossils, Fertilizers and False Solutions – by Steven Feit (video)

Recommended Reading:

INKOTA (2022): Golden bullet or bad bet? New dependencies on synthetic fertilisers and their impacts on the African continent. (publication)
CIEL (2022): Fossils, fertilizers and and false solutions (see teach-in Steven Feit) (publication)
IATP / GRAIN (2022): The Fertilizer Trap (publication)
PANNA (2022/23): Pesticides and Climate Change: A Vicious Cycle (publication)

Further Resources:

Menega / Ledo / Tirado (2022): Greenhouse gas emissions from global production and use of nitrogen synthetic fertilisers in agriculture (publication)
Gao / Cabrera Serrenho (2023): Greenhouse gas emissions from nitrogen fertilizers could be reduced by up to one-fifth of current levels by 2050 with combined interventions (publication)
ActionAid: Principles for a Just Transition in Agriculture (publication)
BIBA-K Publications on GMOs and Pesticides (publications)
CIEL Publication: Winter Is Coming – Plastic Has To Go (publications)
Brazilian Permanent Campaign against pesticides and for life: Website (in Portuguese)
Executive Summary of the Campaign’s dossier against the “Poison Package”: A Bill that intends to radically change regulation of pesticides in Brazil (in English) (publications)
274 CSOs from Global South write to German Govt welcoming move to prohibit export of EU-banned pesticides while urging for comprehensive scope (in English) (publication)
Heinrich-Böll-Foundation Interview: Brasilien – Warum Agro nicht Pop ist (in German) (article)
Food, Nature & Land: The impact of the war in Ukraine on fertiliser marketsFood, Nature & Land: The impact of the war in Ukraine on fertiliser markets (publication)
YouTube – LOAM Sri Lanka: Pollution of chemicals in water – Dr Gammampila – LOAM (video)
Heinrich-Böll-Foundation: Pesticide Atlas (facts & figures)
Heinrich-Böll-Foundation: Meat Atlas (facts & figures)
Heinrich-Böll-Foundation: Agriculture Atlas (facts & figures)
GRAIN, IATP: The Fertiliser Trap – The rising cost of farming’s addiction to chemical fertilisers (publication)
UnPoison civil society movement South Africa (website)
HAPAI (website)
Central Corridor Oʻahu – Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs) in Hawaiʻi (presentation)
YouTube – Hawaiʻi Alliance for Progressive Action: Protect Our Keiki Coalition Brings Dewayne Lee Johnson to Hawai`i (video)
HAPA: What the press is saying about our work (articles)
Healthy Gulf interactive story map: Fertilized to Death (story map)
IATP: Fertilizer (articles)
IATP: Breaking out of the fertilizer trap (article)
IATP: New research shows 50 year binge on chemical fertilisers must end to address the climate crisis (article)
IATP: Emissions Impossible Series (reports)
IPES-Food Special Report: Another perfect storm? (report)
IPES Food Special Reports: Breaking the cycle of unsustainable food systems, hunger, and debt on food systems in crisis (report)
IPEN Toxics Free Future: Exposing Problems From Toxic Chemicals in Plastics (report)
IPEN Policy Toward a Plastics Treaty: Toxic chemicals in plastics and their health concern (report)
PAN: Pesticides and climate change (webinar)
PAN-UK: Pesticides and climate change (article)
PAN Germany Study: Double Standards and Hazardous Pesticides from Bayer and BASF (publication)
PAN Germany Brief summary: Highly Hazardous Pesticides (HHPs) and double standards in trade of pesticides (publication)
PAN Germany Legal opinion: Implementation of a ban on the export of certain hazardous pesticides from Germany (publication)
Roout to Food Introduction: #ToxicBusiness campaign in Kenya (website)

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